Magical Glasses that Create a Life You Love

“Paradigms are like glasses. When you have incomplete paradigms about yourself or life in general, it’s likwearing glasses with the wrong prescription. That lens affects how you see everything else.” ~ Sean Covey

“Don’t call the world dirty because you forgot to clean your glasses.” ~ Aaron Hill

Have you ever read the mystical novel, A Wrinkle in Time? It’s a hero’s journey where a young girl named Meg sets out to find her lost father. She is guided by three wise women, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which. Each wise woman gives Meg a gift to help her complete her journey. Mrs. Who’s gift is a pair of eyeglasses that allows Meg to see what other’s cannot.

I want to give you that gift of sorts, the gift of seeing that which is not normally available within your perception. The gift is this – everything you see you filter through a pair of emotional glasses. So, if you feel fear you see the world as a fearful place, and in turn, if you feel love then you see a loving world.

And you can receive this gift by using it. By understanding that what you see is filtered through the type of glasses you are wearing.

There are only two basic emotions: love and fear.

There are only two basic emotions: love and fear. Every “good” emotion you feel is an offshoot of love while every “bad” emotion you feel is an offshoot of fear. So, in essence you have two pairs of glasses – two methods of perception – seeing through love or seeing through fear.

Why is perception important?

Your perceptions are how you create the world you live in. Whichever pair of magical glasses you choose to use shows you what you look for.

You create your world.

You create the world you live in by what you focus on. Events of themselves are neutral. You have the power to overlay meaning, thus creating what that event reflects back to you.

Most of us operate backwards, thinking the events have meaning and we are at the mercy of their meaning. Typically, we think the event is the cause and our meaning is the effect.

However, these magical glasses allow you to see that the meaning we give an event is the cause, making our reaction the effect.

For example, let’s say a friend is late for a lunch date, which makes you annoyed by the lack of respect she is showing you and a little stressed because you are feeling short on time.

In your old thought system this would seem like a natural cause and effect relationship. She’s late which caused you to feel annoyed and stressed. In this new thought system I’m teaching you that you are choosing to overlay annoyed and stressed onto the neutral fact that your friend is not sitting across from you at an appointed time.

You have the power to create a life you love.

You have the power to create a life you love. Don’t believe me? Try this new system out. Take the next seemingly small thing that happens that causes a negative reaction in you. Pause for a moment and imagine putting on glasses that focus on the negative and “see” what meaning you create. Then imaging taking off those glasses and putting on ones that focus on the positive and “see” what meaning you create.

In the late for lunch example, you might “see” that your friend gave you the gift of a few minutes to ground yourself and appreciate all the beauty that is surrounding you in the restaurant. Or you might “see” that perhaps by her being late she is shifting the time you would have left the restaurant, thus allowing you to avoid an accident. Notice all the positive things the love glasses allow you to bring into your focus; how they change the meaning of this event for you.

Can you imagine doing this exercise successfully? If so, then that’s proof to you that the event is not the cause. If the event was the cause then it’s meaning wouldn’t be variable. Just the fact that you are able to “see” it in a different light means that you have the power to create the effect by choosing which set of glasses to look through.

The more you use these magical glasses, the stronger they become.

The more you use these magical glasses, the stronger they become. Unfortunately, most of us have been using our magical fear glasses for years so they feel the most comfortable. We may not like what we see but, by golly, we see it clearly so that’s what we keep looking at.

For those of you who wear non-metaphorical glasses you know that there is a period of adjustment when getting a new prescription. Even if the new prescription is a better fit than your old pair, it still feels uncomfortable for a short while until your eyesight realigns with your new vision.

Long-term happiness is worth short-term discomfort.

Long-term happiness is worth short-term discomfort. Remember that as you get used to your new glasses. You won’t be as comfortable or as skilled in looking through the lenses of love when events pop into your life, yet that shouldn’t dissuade you. Just keep reminding yourself that short-term discomfort is not a reason to bail on long-term happiness.

Creating a life you love is worth practicing seeing the world through the eyes of love because your vision becomes a feedback loop. The more you can prove to yourself that how you see the world is true for you, the more it becomes true.

Right now I expect you have lots of proof that your life is something you should fear; something that has a lot of negative people and events in it that cause you to feel scared, anxious, or unloved.

But I am giving you the gift of a new pair of glasses; magical glasses that will transform what you see into a life you love, if you’d only wear them consistently.

The choice is always yours. My wish for you is that you are willing to see yourself living in a Universe that has your back – that is always conspiring to love and support you in all ways. Give yourself this gift of true sight and you’ll be amazed at all the miracles that are right in front of you that you just never saw before.

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Donna Burick

Desire a results-oriented holistic solution? Do you yearn to: Create more balance in your life? Stop feeling so exhausted: Uncover your life’s passion; Attain clarity about what’s next for you; Revive your relationships; Craft a deeper spiritual connection; Access a place of health & happiness? Donna can guide you from here to there, call for your free 15-minute phone consultation and discover a different approach, 336.540.0088. Office in Greensboro or phone sessions available.

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Transformational Services by Donna Burick
Board Certified Coach,  Master Certified Coach, and Certified Group Coach

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Transformational Services by Donna Burick
Board Certified Coach,  Master Certified Coach, and Certified Group Coach.

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