One of the main gifts of Spring is it causes us to be hyper aware of our surroundings. Our senses have been somewhat dormant throughout the Winter and then Spring bursts forth with vibrant colors, fragrances, new life and light.
This hyper awareness is a gift because it brings the contrasts of our life into sharp focus. For example, as new flowers begin to bloom in your flower bed you can not notice them without also noticing the weeding that needs to be done and the fact that the bed needs more mulch.
Spring is about Liver Energy, which is all about planning, organizing and carrying out. However, Spring is so powerful it is easy to get overwhelmed with the sensory overload and have your Liver Energy flip into its pathological state of anger, anxiety and stuckness.
How you take advantage of the gifts of Spring is up to you. If you’ve had projects or ideas that you’ve been avoiding now is the time to harness and channel the abundant energy the Universe is supplying you toward getting going forward in your life.
One of the things I suggest to clients is to consciously focus on one thing at a time to minimize overwhelm. For example, as you are outside enjoying the beauty that surrounds you, focus only on the color green. See how many different shades of green you can discern. Notice the different vibrations each shade emanates and how they each make you feel.
Your situation is as totally unique as a field of wildflowers. Whatever tasks or decisions you want to harness the creative powers of Spring for need a specialized plan. Right now is the time to co-create your personal Spring Intention, so give me a call.
You can experience the exhilarating power of new growth as it runs through your life’s field. Setting up your Spring Intention is the quickest way to become in sync with the electric energy flowing through the Universe right now and be able to channel it into your own unique purpose.
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