Alternative Healing Practices are finally coming into their own in Western culture. They’re enjoying a resurgence in our culture as people rediscover their powerful ability to transform.
Alternative Healing Practices look at your “problems” in a holistic way. The pain in your back is not an isolated incident. It’s connected to your stress level, your belief systems about yourself and your daily activities. This is the major difference between these modalities and Western Medicine. There’s no pill to treat the symptom of pain; instead my alternative healing practices dig up the root cause of the pain while addressing all the connecting webs associated with that symptom.
Your body/mind complex is connected and needs to be treated as such. I have years of proven success with my fusion of different alternative healing practices. If you’d like to know more about how these therapies can help you, please call for your free 15 minute phone consultation. We can connect in person and I can answer all your questions.